A summit of Bay Area and key national experts, including policymakers, developers, and community actors. Hosted by CCI with Urban Habitat and the Center for Justice, Tolerance, and Community, UC Santa Cruz.

Notes/Key Points from Summit >>
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Welcoming Words >>
Irma Anderson, Mayor, City of Richmond
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Richmond in 2020: Scenarios for a Mixed-Income Future>>
Karen Chapple, Professor and Executive Director, Center for Community Innovation, UC Berkeley
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Preserving Affordability in Homeownership >>
Ann Sewill, President, Community Foundation Land Trust, California Community Foundation, Los Angeles, California
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Pacific Community Ventures: Community Development Venture Investing and Equitable Development >>
Pete November, Managing Director, Business Services, Pacific Community Ventures, San Francisco, California
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Planning for Community Benefits in San Francisco, California >>
Miriam Chion, Assistant Professor, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts
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Market Creek Plaza: The Resident Ownership of Neighborhood Change >>
Jennifer Vanica , President and CEO, Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation, San Diego, California
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Regional Equity—A Detroit Story: The Detroit-Grosse Pointe Park Collaborative >>
Anika Goss-Foster, Senior Program Officer, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Detroit, Michigan
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Equitable Development and Mixed-Income Communities >>
Pat Smith, Director of Special Initiatives, The Reinvestment Fund, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Making the Case for Mixed-Income and Mixed-Use Communities: An Executive Summary >>
von Nkosi, Director, Mixed-Income Communities Initiative, Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia
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Challenges and Opportunities in the City of Pride and Purpose: Richmond’s Workforce and Industries >>
East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy. A white paper for the Equitable Development and Mixed-Income Communities Summit. This information was included in the summit packet.
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Edging Toward Equity: Creating Shared Opportunity in America’s Regions >>
Center for Justice, Tolerance, and Community, UC Santa Cruz. This information was included in the summit packet.
PDF | 6.7 M