

Refereed articles
Other Refereed Publications
Book Chapters and Other Publications


Refereed articles

Zuk, Miriam, Ariel H. Bierbaum, Karen Chapple, Karolina Gorska, and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris. 2017. “Gentrification, Displacement, and the Role of Public Investment.” Journal of Planning Literature (2017): 0885412217716439.

Chapple, Karen. 2017. “Income inequality and urban displacement: The new gentrification.” New Labor Forum 26,1: 84-93.

Chapple, Karen and Miriam Zuk. 2016. “Forewarned: The Use of Neighborhood Early Warning Systems for Gentrification and Displacement.” Cityscape 18,3: 109-130.

Chapple, Karen. 2016. “Integrating California’s climate change and fiscal goals: The known, the unknown, and the possible.” California Journal of Politics and Policy 8,2.

Chapple, Karen and Sergio Montero. 2015. “From learning to fragile governance: Regional economic development in rural Peru.” Journal of Rural Studies 44: 143-152.

Frick, Karen, Karen Chapple, Elizabeth Mattiuzzi, and Miriam Zuk. 2015. “Collaboration and equity in regional sustainability planning in California: Challenges in implementation.” California Journal of Politics and Policy 7,4.

Chapple, K. 2014. “The highest and best use? Urban industrial land and job creation.” Economic Development Quarterly.

Wegmann, Jake and Karen Chapple. 2014. “Hidden density in single-family neighborhoods: Backyard cottages as an equitable smart growth strategy.” Journal of Urbanism.

Chapple, Karen and Edward G. Goetz. 2011.
“Spatial justice through regionalism?:The inside game, the outside game, and the quest for the spatial fix in the U.S.”
Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society.

Chapple, Karen, Shannon Jackson, and Anne Martin. 2011.
“Concentrating Creativity: The Planning of Formal and Informal Arts Districts.”
City, Culture and Society 1,4: 225-234.

Chapple, Karen, Cynthia Kroll, T. William Lester, and Sergio Montero, 2011.
“Innovation in the Green Economy: An Extension of the Regional Innovation System Model?”
Economic Development Quarterly 25,1:5-25.

Chapple, Karen and T. William Lester. 2010. “The Resilient Regional Labour Market: The U.S. Case”. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 3,1: 85-104.

Chapple, Karen and Shannon Jackson. 2010. “Arts, neighborhoods, and social practices: Towards an integrated epistemology of community arts.” Journal of Planning Education and Research 29,4: 478-490.

Goetz, Edward G. & Chapple, Karen 2010.
“You Gotta Move: Advancing the Debate on the Record of Dispersal.”
Housing Policy Debate 20(2).

Chapple, Karen 2006.
“Networks to Nerdistan: The Role of Labor Market Intermediaries in the Entry-Level IT Labor Market.”
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 30(3): 548-563.

Chapple, Karen. 2006.
“Overcoming Mismatch: Beyond Dispersal, Mobility, and Development Strategies.”
Journal of the American Planning Association 72(3): 322-336.

Chapple, Karen, John V. Thomas, Dena Belzer,, & Gerald Autler. 2004.
“Fueling the Fire: Information Technology and Housing Price Appreciation in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Twin Cities.”
Housing Policy Debate 15(2): 347-383.

Goetz, Edward G., Karen Chapple, & Barbara Lukermann. 2004.
“The Minnesota Land Use Planning Act and the Promotion of Low- and Moderate-Income Housing in Suburbia.”
Law and Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 22(1): 31-72.

Chapple, Karen, Ann Markusen, Greg Schrock, Daisaku Yamamoto, & Pingkang Yu. 2004.
“Gauging Metropolitan ‘High-Tech’ and ‘I-Tech’ Activity.”
Economic Development Quarterly 18(1): 10-29.

Chapple, Karen., Ann Markusen, Greg Schrock, Daisaku Yamamoto, & Pingkang Yu. 2004.
“Rejoinder: High-Tech Rankings, Specialization, and Relationship to Growth.”
Economic Development Quarterly 18(1): 44-49.

Goetz, Edward G., Karen Chapple, & Barbara Lukermann. 2003.
“Enabling Exclusion: The Retreat from Regional Fair Share Housing in the Implementation of the Minnesota Land Use Planning Act.”
Journal of Planning Education and Research 22(3): 213-25, 2003.

Chapple, Karen. 2002.
“’I Name It and I Claim It—In the Name of Jesus, This Job is Mine’: Job Search, Networks, and Careers for Low-Income Women.”
Economic Development Quarterly 16(4): 294-313.

Chapple, Karen & Matthew Zook. 2002.
“Why Some IT Jobs Stay: The Rise of Job Training in Information Technology.”
Journal of Urban Technology 9(1): 57-83.

Chapple, Karen. 2001.
“Out of Touch, Out of Bounds: How Job Search Strategies Shape the Labor Market Radii of Women on Welfare in San Francisco.”
Urban Geography 22(7): 617-640.

Chapple, Karen. 2001.
“Time to Work: Job Search Strategies and Commute Time for Women on Welfare in San Francisco.”
Journal of Urban Affairs 23(2): 155-173.

Chapple, Karen. 1999.
“Just-In-Time Intervention: Economic Development Policy for Apparel Manufacturing in San Francisco.”
Economic Development Quarterly 13(1): 78-96.

Teitz, Michael B. & Karen Chapple. 1998.
“The Causes of Inner-City Poverty: Eight Hypotheses in Search of Reality,”
with Michael B. Teitz. Cityscape 3, 3: 33-70.


Other Refereed Publications

Chapple, Karen. 2016. “Integrating California’s climate change and fiscal goals: The known, the unknown, and the possible.” Bacon White Paper #2. Sacramento, CA: University of California Sacramento Center.

Chapple, Karen and Carrie Makarewicz. 2010. “Is Infill Bad for Business in California?” Access 34.

Chapple, Karen & Rick Jacobus. 2009.
“Retail Trade as a Route to Neighborhood Revitalization.”
Urban and Regional Policy and Its Effects, Volume II. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution-Urban Institute.

Chapple, Karen. 2006.
“Foot in the Door, Mouse in Hand: Low-Income Women, Short-Term Job Training Programs, and IT Careers.”
In W. Aspray and J. Cohoon, eds., Women and Information Technology: Research on the Reasons for Under-Representation, MIT Press.

Lester, T. William & Karen Chapple. 2005. “Rising Income Inequality and the Changing Economic Geography of U.S. Metropolitan Areas in the 1990s: Do Regional Institutions Make a Difference?” White paper prepared for Michigan State University Community Vitality Program.

Chapple, Karen. 2001.
“Foresight or Farsight? It’s the Regional Economy, Stupid.”
Response to Ed Blakely, “Competitive Advantage in the 21st Century City.” Journal of the American Planning Association 67(2).

Chapple, Karen. 1997.
“Economic Development for a Bipolar Industry: The Case of Apparel Manufacturing in San Francisco.”
Berkeley Planning Journal 12: 72-102.



Chapple, Karen, Paul Waddell, Dan Chatman, Miriam Zuk, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, Paul Ong, Karolina Gorska, Silvia Gonzalez, and Chhandara Pech. 2017. Developing a New Methodology for Analyzing Displacement. Sacramento, CA: California Air Resources Board.

Elkind, Ethan, Nat Decker, Karen Chapple, Amy Martin, and Carol Galante. 2017. Right Type, Right Place: Assessing the Environmental and Economic Impacts of Infill Residential Development through 2030. Berkeley, CA: Terner Center for Housing Innovation and Center for Law, Energy and the Environment.
Chapple, Karen. 2017. Industrial Land and Jobs Study for the San Francisco Bay Area. Berkeley, CA: University of California-Berkeley.

Zuk, Miriam and Karen Chapple. 2016. Housing Production, Filtering, and Displacement: Untangling the Relationships. IGS Research Brief. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Governmental Studies.

Chapple, Karen. 2016. “Human capital development in Abu Dhabi.” Chapter 3 in Marco Marchese, editor,Entrepreneurship, SMEs, and Local Development in Abu Dhabi. Paris: OECD.

Chapple, Karen. 2015. “Parte I: El proceso de construcción de un mecanismo de gestión publico-privada.” Chapter 1, pp. 5-28 in Natalia Laguyas and Monica Romis, editors, Una Guía para la Práctica: Mecanismos de Gestión Publico-Privada para el Desarrollo Económico Territorial. Washington, DC: FOMIN, Inter-American Development Bank.

Zuk, Miriam, Ariel Bierbaum, Karen Chapple, Karolina Gorska, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, Paul Ong, and Trevor Thomas. 2015. Gentrification, Displacement, and the Role of Investment: A Literature Review. Working Paper 2015-05. San Francisco: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

Zuk, Miriam and Karen Chapple, editors. 2015. Case Studies on Gentrification and Displacement in the San Francisco Bay Area. Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen, Sergio Montero, and Pedro Peterson. 2015. Learning to Replicate Local Economic Development Models: The Experience of Grupos Gestores and Mesas de Competitividad in Guatemala. Report prepared for the Inter-American Development Bank.

Chapple, Karen, Pedro Peterson, and Sergio Montero. 2015. Collaborating in Córdoba: Towards More Territorial Governance for Local Economic Development. Report prepared for the Inter-American Development Bank.

Chapple, Karen and Renee Roy Elias. 2014. Investing in Institutions, Investing in Community: Housing Revitalization as Comprehensive Community Development. Report prepared for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Chapple, Karen. 2013. From Learning to Governance: Regional Economic Development in the Lurín River Basin and Espírito Santo. Report prepared for the Inter-American Development Bank.

Chapple, Karen and Elizabeth Mattiuzzi. 2013.
Planting the Seeds for a Sustainable Future: HUD’s Sustainable Communities Initiative Regional Planning Grant Program.
Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen and Sergio Montero. 2013. Local Economic Development, Governance, and Learning in Rural Latin America: The Case of the Lurín River Basin, Peru. Report prepared for the Inter-American Development Bank.

Chapple, Karen, Pedro Peterson, and Robert Daughters. 2013. Transforming the Governance of Economic Development: The Case of the Ornamental Stones Sector in Espírito Santo, Brazil. Report prepared for the Inter-American Development Bank.

Wegmann, Jake, Nemirow, Alison, and Karen Chapple. 2012.
“Scaling Up Secondary Unit Production in the East Bay: Impacts and Policy Implications.”
IURD Working Paper 2012-05. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Urban & Regional Development.

Nemirow, Alison and Karen Chapple. 2012. “Yes, But Will They Let Us Build? The Feasibility of Secondary Units in the East Bay.” IURD Working Paper 2012-02. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Urban & Regional Development.

Potter, Jonathan, Gabriela Miranda, Philip Cooke, Karen Chapple, Dieter Rehfeld, Gregory Theyel, Dan Kaufmann, Miki Malul, and Mosi Rosenboim. 2012.
Clean-Tech Clustering as an Engine for Local Development: The Negev Region, Israel
. Paris: OECD Publishing.

Chapple, Karen. 2012.
“Evaluating the Effects of Projected Job Growth on Housing Demand.”
Report prepared for the Association of Bay Area Governments.

Chapple, Karen, Jake Wegmann, Alison Nemirow, & Colin Dentel-Post. 2011. Yes in My Backyard: Mobilizing the Market for Secondary Units . Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen. 2011. “Hidden Density”: The Potential of Small-Scale Infill Development. IURD Policy Brief 2011-02. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Urban & Regional Development.

Zabin, Carol, Karen Chapple, Ellen Avis, and Jessica Halpern-Finnerty. 2011. California Workforce, Education, and Training Needs Assessment for Energy Efficiency, Distributed Generation and Demand Response. Berkeley, CA: Donald Vial Center on Employment in the Green Economy.

Chapple, Karen and Sergio Montero. 2010. Human Capital in the Labour Market. Chapter 2 in Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development in Andalusia, Spain. Paris: OECD.

Chapple, Karen, Kroll, Cynthia, and Sergio Montero. 2010. Green, Local, and Growing . Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen and Malo Hutson. 2010. Innovating the Green Economy in California Regions . Report for the U.S. Economic Development Administration. With Cynthia Kroll, T. William Lester, Larry Rosenthal, Emilio Martinez de Velasco, Sergio Montero, Anita Roth, and Laura Wiles.

Jacobus, Rick and Karen Chapple. 2010. What Difference Can a Few Stores Make? Retail and Neighborhood Revitalization. Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Jackson, Shannon and Karen Chapple. 2009. Who is Winning the Race? An Exploration of Informal and Formal Arts Districts . Lincoln Land Institute Working Paper.

Swanstrom, Todd, Karen Chapple, and Daniel Immergluck. 2009. “Regional Resilience in the Face of Foreclosures: Evidence from Six Metropolitan Areas.” Building Resilient Regions Working Paper. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Governmental Studies.

Machell, Erin, Reinhalter, Troy and Karen Chapple. 2009. Building Support for Transit-Oriented Development: Do Community Engagement Toolkits Work? Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen. 2009. Mapping Susceptibility to Gentrification: The Early Warning Toolkit . Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Munekiyo, Tessa and Karen Chapple. 2009. Social Seams in Mixed-Income Neighborhoods. Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen. 2008. Defining the Green Economy: A Primer on Green Economic Development. Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Niedt, Christopher and Karen Chapple. 2008. “Bridging the New Suburban History and the New Suburban Politics.” Building Resilient Regions Working Paper. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Governmental Studies.

Wodsak, Anja, Kimberly Suczynski, & Karen Chapple. 2008. Building Arts, Building Community? Informal Arts Districts in Oakland, California . Berkeley, CA: UC-Berkeley.

Reconnecting America, Center for Community Innovation, and Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California. 2007. Transit-Oriented for All: The Case for Mixed-Income Transit-Oriented Communities in the Bay Area. Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen & T.William Lester. 2007. “Emerging Patterns of Regional Resilience.” Building Resilient Regions Working Paper. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Governmental Studies.

Cervero, Robert, Karen Chapple, Michael Duncan, John Landis, Lynn Scholl, and Martin Wachs. 2006. Making Do: How Working Families in Seven U.S. Metropolitan Areas Trade Off Housing Costs and Commuting Times . Washington, DC: Center for Housing Policy, 2006.

Chapple, Karen. 2006.
“Moving Beyond the Divide: Workforce Development and Upward Mobility in Information Technology.”
Oakland, CA: PolicyLink.

Chapple, Karen and the UIC Center for Urban Economic Development. 2005.
“Verifying Price Accuracy in Wal-Mart: An Investigation of Retail Establishments in California.”
Chicago, IL: UIC.

Chapple, Karen. 2005. Promising Futures: Workforce Development and Upward Mobility in Information Technology . Institute of Urban and Regional Development Monograph. Berkeley, CA: UC-Berkeley.

Chapple, Karen. 2005.
Building Institutions from the Region Up: Regional Workforce Development Collaboratives in California
. Institute of Urban and Regional Development Working Paper. Berkeley, CA:UC-Berkeley.

Chapple, Karen, Nadya Chinoy Dabby, & Melissa Edwards. 2004. Analysis of Economic Impact on Santa Clara County of Eastridge Shopping Center Renovation Project.. Berkeley, CA: UC-Berkeley.

Chapple, Karen. 2002. North Metro I-35W Corridor Coalition Labor Force Assessment. Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development.

Goetz, Edward G., Karen Chapple, and Barbara Lukermann. 2002. “The Affordable Housing Legacy of the 1976 Land Use Planning Act.” Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota, 2002.

Markusen, Ann, Karen Chapple, Greg Schrock, Daisaku Yamamoto, and Pingkang Yu. 2001. “High-Tech and I-Tech: How Metros Rank and Specialize.” Project on Regional and Industrial Economics Working Paper, Humphrey

Chapple, Karen. 2013. From Learning to Governance: Regional Economic Development in the Lurín River Basin and Espírito Santo. Report prepared for the Inter-American Development Bank.

Chapple, Karen and Elizabeth Mattiuzzi. 2013. Planting the Seeds for a Sustainable Future: HUD’s Sustainable Communities Initiative Regional Planning Grant Program. Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen and Sergio Montero. 2013. Local Economic Development, Governance, and Learning in Rural Latin America: The Case of the Lurín River Basin, Peru. Report prepared for the Inter-American Development Bank.

Chapple, Karen, Pedro Peterson, and Robert Daughters. 2013. Transforming the Governance of Economic Development: The Case of the Ornamental Stones Sector in Espírito Santo, Brazil. Report prepared for the Inter-American Development Bank.

Wegmann, Jake, Nemirow, Alison, and Karen Chapple. 2012. “Scaling Up Secondary Unit Production in the East Bay: Impacts and Policy Implications.” IURD Working Paper 2012-05. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Urban & Regional Development.

Nemirow, Alison and Karen Chapple. 2012. “Yes, But Will They Let Us Build? The Feasibility of Secondary Units in the East Bay.” IURD Working Paper 2012-02. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Urban & Regional Development.

Potter, Jonathan, Gabriela Miranda, Philip Cooke, Karen Chapple, Dieter Rehfeld, Gregory Theyel, Dan Kaufmann, Miki Malul, and Mosi Rosenboim. 2012. Clean-Tech Clustering as an Engine for Local Development: The Negev Region, Israel. Paris: OECD Publishing.

Chapple, Karen. 2012. “Evaluating the Effects of Projected Job Growth on Housing Demand.” Report prepared for the Association of Bay Area Governments.

Chapple, Karen, Jake Wegmann, Alison Nemirow, & Colin Dentel-Post. 2011. Yes in My Backyard: Mobilizing the Market for Secondary Units. Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen. 2011. “Hidden Density”: The Potential of Small-Scale Infill Development. IURD Policy Brief 2011-02. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Urban & Regional Development.

Zabin, Carol, Karen Chapple, Ellen Avis, and Jessica Halpern-Finnerty. 2011. California Workforce, Education, and Training Needs Assessment for Energy Efficiency, Distributed Generation and Demand Response. Berkeley, CA: Donald Vial Center on Employment in the Green Economy.

Chapple, Karen and Sergio Montero. 2010. Human Capital in the Labour Market. Chapter 2 in Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development in Andalusia, Spain.  Paris: OECD.

Chapple, Karen, Kroll, Cynthia, and Sergio Montero. 2010. Green, Local, and Growing.  Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Jacobus, Rick and Karen Chapple. 2010. What Difference Can a Few Stores Make? Retail and Neighborhood Revitalization. Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Jackson, Shannon and Karen Chapple. 2009. Who is Winning the Race? An Exploration of Informal and Formal Arts Districts. Lincoln Land Institute Working Paper.

Swanstrom, Todd, Karen Chapple, and Daniel Immergluck. 2009. “Regional Resilience in the Face of Foreclosures:  Evidence from Six Metropolitan Areas.” Building Resilient Regions Working Paper. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Governmental Studies.

Machell, Erin, Reinhalter, Troy and Karen Chapple. 2009. Building Support for Transit-Oriented Development: Do Community Engagement Toolkits Work? Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen. 2009.  Mapping Susceptibility to Gentrification: The Early Warning Toolkit.  Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Munekiyo, Tessa and Karen Chapple. 2009. Social Seams in Mixed-Income Neighborhoods. Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen. 2008. Defining the Green Economy: A Primer on Green Economic Development.  Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Niedt, Christopher and Karen Chapple. 2008. “Bridging the New Suburban History and the New Suburban Politics.”  Building Resilient Regions Working Paper. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Governmental Studies.

Wodsak, Anja, Kimberly Suczynski, & Karen Chapple. 2008.  Building Arts, Building Community? Informal Arts Districts in Oakland, California. Berkeley, CA: UC-Berkeley.

Reconnecting America, Center for Community Innovation, and Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California.2007. Transit-Jacobus, Rick and Karen Chapple. 2010. What Difference Can a Few Stores Make? Retail and Neighborhood Revitalization. Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Jackson, Shannon and Karen Chapple. 2009. Who is Winning the Race? An Exploration of Informal and Formal Arts Districts. Lincoln Land Institute Working Paper.

Swanstrom, Todd, Karen Chapple, and Daniel Immergluck. 2009. “Regional Resilience in the Face of Foreclosures:  Evidence from Six Metropolitan Areas.” Building Resilient Regions Working Paper. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Governmental Studies.

Machell, Erin, Reinhalter, Troy and Karen Chapple. 2009. Building Support for Transit-Oriented Development: Do Community Engagement Toolkits Work? Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen. 2009.  Mapping Susceptibility to Gentrification: The Early Warning Toolkit.  Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Munekiyo, Tessa and Karen Chapple. 2009. Social Seams in Mixed-Income Neighborhoods. Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Chapple, Karen. 2008. Defining the Green Economy: A Primer on Green Economic Development.  Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation.

Niedt, Christopher and Karen Chapple. 2008. “Bridging the New Suburban History and the New Suburban Politics.”  Building Resilient Regions Working Paper. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Governmental Studies.

Oriented for All: The Case for Mixed-Income Transit-Oriented Communities in the Bay Area. Berkeley, CA: Center for Community Innovation..

Chapple, Karen & T.William Lester. 2007. “Emerging Patterns of Regional Resilience.” Building Resilient Regions Working Paper. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Governmental Studies.

Cervero, Robert, Karen Chapple, Michael Duncan, John Landis, Lynn Scholl, and Martin Wachs. 2006 Making Do: How Working Families in Seven U.S. Metropolitan Areas Trade Off Housing Costs and Commuting Times . Washington, DC: Center for Housing Policy, 2006.

Chapple, Karen. 2006. “Moving Beyond the Divide: Workforce Development and Upward Mobility in Information Technology.”  Oakland, CA: PolicyLink.

Chapple, Karen and the UIC Center for Urban Economic Development. 2005. “Verifying Price Accuracy in Wal-Mart: An Investigation of Retail Establishments in California.”  Chicago, IL: UIC.

Chapple, Karen. 2005. Promising Futures: Workforce Development and Upward Mobility in Information Technology.  Institute of Urban and Regional Development Monograph.  Berkeley, CA: UC-Berkeley.

Chapple, Karen. 2005.  Building Institutions from the Region Up: Regional Workforce Development Collaboratives in California.  Institute of Urban and Regional Development Working Paper. Berkeley, CA:UC-Berkeley.

Chapple, Karen, Nadya Chinoy Dabby, & Melissa Edwards.  2004. Analysis of Economic Impact on Santa Clara County of Eastridge Shopping Center Renovation Project.. Berkeley, CA: UC-Berkeley.

Chapple, Karen. 2002. North Metro I-35W Corridor Coalition Labor Force Assessment.  Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development.

Chapple, Karen and Strategic Economics. 1999. “Gentrification: Causes, Indicators, and Possible Policy Responses for the San Francisco Bay Area.”  Report prepared for Urban Habitat.

Chapple, Karen. 1998. “The Transformation of Traditional Industries in San Francisco: the Cases of Printing and Apparel Manufacturing.”  IURD Working Paper #701.  Berkeley, CA: Institute of Urban and Regional Development.

Walker, Richard., Karen Chapple, Robert Redlo, Sandy Nichols, and Dennis Toseland. 1997. “Service Contracting in the Bay Area: A Study of Local Government Contracting Out.” Berkeley, CA: Center for Labor Research and Education, Institute of Industrial Relations.

Chapple, Karen. 1994. “A Historic Enclave in Peril: A Plan for Preserving Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn.”  Brooklyn, New York: Vinegar Hill Neighborhood Association.


Book Chapters and Other Publications

Chapple, Karen. 2017, forthcoming. “Just growth: Strategies for growth with equity.” Chapter in Gordon Clark, Maryann P. Feldman, and Meric Gertler, editors, Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography (second edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Chapple, Karen. 2016. “California’s tax code blocks its climate change goals.” Sacramento Bee, February 23.

Chapple, Karen. 2016. “A multi-dimensional approach to affordable housing policy: Learning from climate change policy.” The Berkeley Blog, February 11.

Chapple, Karen. 2016. “Regional policy in the age of Obama.” Chapter in James DeFilippis, editor, Urban policy in the age of Obama. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Chapple, Karen and Mitchell Crispell. 2015. “Transit-averse development? The challenges of infill.” Urban Displacement Project blog, November 16.

Chapple, Karen and Mitchell Crispell. 2015. “Mission accomplished? Revisiting the solutions.” The Berkeley Blog, November 10.

Chapple, Karen. 2015. “Redwood City: An improbable villain of the Bay Area displacement crisis.” The Berkeley Blog, September 14.

Chapple, Karen. 2015. “Displacement: The misunderstood crisis.” Urban Wire blog, August 31. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.

Zuk, Miriam and Karen Chapple. 2015. Urban Displacement Project website. Berkeley, CA: University of California Berkeley.

Chapple, Karen. 2015. “The future of displacement.” The Berkeley Blog, August 24.

Chapple, Karen. 2015. “Possibilities for a sustainable, equitable planet.” The IURD Blog, March 25.

Chapple, Karen. 2014. “Incomplete streets, complete regions: In search of an equitable scale.” Chapter 15, pp. 290-304, in Stephen Zavestoski and Julian Agyeman, editors, Incomplete streets: Processes, practices, and possibilities. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge.

Chapple, Karen. 2014. Strategies for growing green business and industry in a city. Chapter 6 in Daniel Mazmanian and Hilda Blanco, editors, The Elgar Companion to Sustainable Cities. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Chapple, Karen. 2014. “The blocked market for density and affordable housing.” The Berkeley Blog, October 17.

Chapple, Karen. 2013. “Confronting suburban poverty – or celebrating suburban resilience?” MetroTrends Blog, June 6.

Teitz, Michael and Karen Chapple. 2013. “Planning and Poverty: An Uneasy Relationship.”  In Naomi Carmon and Susan Fainstein, editors, Planning, Policy and People: Promoting Justice in Urban Development.

Chapple, Karen, Sergio Montero, and Oscar Sosa. 2012. Evolving Regionalismos: Latin American Regions in the twenty-first centuryRegional Development Dialogue 33(1): iii-xv.

Chapple, Karen. 2012.  “Community and Economic Development.” Oxford Handbook of Urban Planning.  New York: Oxford University Press.

Chapple, Karen and Robert P. Giloth. 2011. Big Ideas for Job Creation by States and Cities. Berkeley, CA: Institute for Research on Labor and Employment.

Chapple, Karen. March 8, 2011. Redevelopment is dead, long live revitalization! The Bay Citizen Blog.

Chapple, Karen. 2010. “Two Walks through Bed-Stuy: Forty Years of Community Economic Development.” In Anusha Venkataraman, editor, Intractable Democracy: Fifty Years of Community-Based Planning. Brooklyn, NY: Pratt Institute.

Chapple, Karen. 2010. “Are Best Practices Really Better? Stories from the Workforce Development Frontier.” Chapter in Robert Giloth and Colin Austin, editors, Mistakes to Success: Learning and Adapting When Things Go Wrong. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse.

Swanstrom, Todd, Karen Chapple, and Daniel Immergluck. 2010. “Regional Resilience in the Face of Foreclosures:  The Role of Federal and State Policies.” Chapter in Christopher Niedt, editor, Forging a New Housing Policy: Opportunity in the Wake of Crisis. Hempstead, NY: National Center for Suburban Studies.

Goetz, Edward G. and Karen Chapple. 2010. “Dispersal as Anti-Poverty Policy.” In Jonathan Davies and David Imbroscio, eds., Critical Urban Studies: New Directions. Albany, NY: State University of NY Press.

Chapple, Karen. 2008. “Community Economic Development and Finance.” Chapter in Innovation and Equity: Transform America. Cambridge, MA: MIT Community Innovators Lab.

Chapple, Karen and Gerardo Sandoval. 2006, August 8. “Let’s consider saying no to the Olympics,” with Gerardo Sandoval. San Francisco Examiner.

Goetz, Edward G., Karen Chapple, and Barbara Lukermann. 2005. “The Rise and Fall of Fair Share Housing: Lessons from the Twin Cities.” In Xavier de Souza Briggs, ed., The Geography of Opportunity: Race and Housing Choice in Metropolitan America.  Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.

Blakely, Ed, Karen Chapple, Joe Cortright, Karen Danielsen, Edward Feser, Robert Lang, Emil Malizia, Heike Mayer, Thomas Sanchez, and David Sawicki. 2005. “Cities and the Creative Class: Review roundtable discussion.” Journal of the American Planning Association 71(2): 206-218.

Chapple, Karen. 2004. “American Metropolitics and Place Matters.” Book review essay.  Journal of the American Planning Association 70(1): 115-117.

Chapple, Karen. 2003.“Back to the Future: The City Builders, Second Edition.” Book review.  Urban Affairs Quarterly 38(4).

Goetz, Edward G. and Karen Chapple. 2002. “Twenty-Five Years of Planning for Low- and Moderate-Income Housing in the Twin Cities: The Legacy of the 1976 Land Use Planning Act.” CURA Reporter, 32(3): 1-7.

Chapple, Karen. 2002. Sharing America’s Neighborhoods: The Prospects for Stable Racial Integration, by Ingrid Gould Ellen.” Book review. Journal of Planning Education and Research 22(2).

Markusen, Ann, Karen Chapple, Greg Schrock, Daisaku Yamamoto, and Pingkang Yu. 2001 (September/October). “The Region’s High-Tech Economies.” Northeast Midwest Economic Review.

Chapple, Karen. 2001. “In the Name of Jesus, This Job is Mine: Job Search, Social Networks, and Careers for Women on Welfare.” Proceedings of the Center for True Economic Progress Conference on the Economic Status of Women. .St. Paul, Minnesota: Macalester College.

Chapple, Karen. 2000. “Workforce Development, Employment Opportunity, and Smart Growth.  Briefing Book: Strategies and Examples of Community-Based Approaches to Equity and Smart Growth.  Oakland, CA: PolicyLink.

Chapple, Karen. 2000. “Growing Jobs for the Poor: Smart Growth, Employment Opportunity, and Workforce Development.”  Envisioning Cities and Regions: A Celebratory Anthology on Planning by University of Minnesota Faculty.  Minneapolis, MN: Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota.

Chapple, Karen. 1998. “Paths to Employment: The Role of Social Networks in the Job Search for African-American Women on Welfare in San Francisco.”  Proceedings of the Fifth Women’s Policy Research Conference.  Washington, DC: Institute for Women’s Policy Research.

Chapple, Karen and Rachel Weinberger. 1997. “Is Shorter Better?: An Analysis of Gender, Race, and Industrial Segregation in San Francisco Bay Area Commuting Patterns.” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Women and Travel.  Tucson, Arizona: Drachman Institute, 1997.